Sunday, April 18, 2010

Announcing My New Political Party!

I have been thinking about this problem all of my life and I think I am going to start a new party. Year ago, in the early part of the 20th Century, Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt was our President, retired and then became dissatisfied with the way that William Howard Taft was running the country. Being that both were Republicans and Taft was the reigning President, Teddy could not run on the Republican ticket so he set up a new party; The Bull Moose Party. He named his party after his favorite animal. So I will too, the name of my party will be the Jackass Party.

The question arises of why any politician would want to be a Jackass and my answer would be that they already are, only they call themselves Republicans or Democrats. Think about it. You poor people vote for some slug based on promises they either cannot keep, or have no intention of keeping, a la Jim Florio. Afterwards, you ask yourself, “Why did I vote for that Jackass in the first place?” Remember Jimmy Carter? He was a Jackass although he ran on the Democratic ticket.

I am removing all the surprises in the aftermath of an election. Now you will know in advance that you are voting for a Jackass. You will no longer have any excuses. So, take my invitation and join my Jackass Party so that you too can be a Jackass and vote only for Jackasses.

It’s an idea whose time has come.

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