Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

On has to wonder at the stupidity of supposedly intelligent people. One has to wonder exactly what was going through Dr. Steve Gallon's mind, Superintendent of the Plainfield school system, when he signed an affidavit stating that Ms. Lalelei Kelly and Ms. Angela Kemp, two of his "administrators," were residing in his South Plainfield home. The purpose was to allow the children of these two ladies to attend schools in South Plainfield. Apparently, they were acquainted with the quality of education in Plainfield and wanted none of it. The problem was that they do not live in South Plainfield. Both women live in the Somerset section of Franklin. The affidavit, in other words was an outright lie. By signing that document, Dr. Gallon opened himself to a litany of charges. He could be charged with conspiracy, theft of services, fraud and offering a forged instrument in order to illegally obtain services. All are felonies and he could be looking at a heavy fine and prison, if convicted. He has already been arrested and has posted bail.

I don't imagine that the Plainfield Board of Education is too happy with all of the negative publicity that Dr. Gallon has brought to the district. I can't see them jumping for joy over the fact that Governor Christy has pointed out Plainfield as the poster boy for the misuse of educational funds. You may be sure that Plainfield will be mentioned more than once as the prime example for why Abbott funding should be discontinued. The Governor has already fired the opening shot in that battle by refusing to rename a justice to the NJ Supreme Court and naming a conservative in his place.

The kids of Plainfield may soon be able to brag that their superintendent is a convicted felon. That may be a first, even for New Jersey. Maybe Dr. Gallon can teach ethics in a community college in his next gig.

Or teach kids how to properly use gang signs.

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